When is the last time you actually read your own profiles and bios?
Many businesses that have Facebook pages are currently transitioning to the new timeline format. There is much discussion online about cover pictures and other marvels. However, how many of you are taking the opportunity to review the original company information that you entered? If you've had a page running for a few years the wording will undoubtedly need a refresh!
How about Twitter? Does your bio still encapsulate you and your company?Just a hint here: try copying and pasting your bio into a word processor if your browser doesn't spell check. I've come across 3 people in the last week who have misspelled their county or town...
Linked In is another one to check. Does your description of your current role need a refresh? Could you make more use of your previous experience to enhance your credibility?
Finally - and perhaps most importantly - was the picture you're using taken relatively recently? Does it present you in the way you wish? Is it time to have some photographs taken by a professional?
Keeping profiles up to date is an important part of social media - so have a Spring clean!